Project II
Patardzeuli/Samgori oil re-development
Project II aims to redevelop the Middle Eocene reservoir of the Patardzeuli-Samgori field, to which our internal Contingent Resource report ascribes Gross 2C Contingent Resources of 235 MMbbl. Additional potential exists in Upper Eocene reservoirs within the area.
- Historic 20th century production of 55,000 bopd
- 235 MMbbl 2C Gross Contingent Resource
- The large legacy well stock provides ample opportunity for drilling low-cost infill side-track wells to access the remaining oil resources
- The largely undrained south-west end of the Patardzeuli-Samgori structure will be developed with deepening existing wells, new and side-track wells
- Appraisal well JSR-01 gave valuable information informing future development opportunities and reservoir mapping
- The largely undrained south-west end of the Patardzeuli structure will be developed by deepening existing wells, new and side-track wells
- Additional potential within the Teleti and Rustavi fields
- Adjacent to XIF licence with existing processing and sales infrastructure enabling rapid monetisation of hydrocarbons produced

1C Gross Contingent Resource (MMbbl) | 2C Gross Contingent Resource (MMbbl) | 3C Gross Contingent Resource (MMbbl) |
105.1 | 235.0 | 396.0 |