
We observe the highest standards of governance in accordance with the QCA Corporate Governance Code.

In addition to regular meetings of the whole Board, which is comprised of a majority of independent directors, Block maintains a rigorous system of sub-committees covering key areas of the business, encompassing nominations, finance, audit, technical, HSES, ESG and remuneration. Our committees meet regularly and report to meetings of the whole Board.

The safety of our people and our contractors, the sustainability of our operations, and the wellbeing of local communities, are of utmost importance to Block Energy.

The review of HSES management performance is always the first agenda point at Board meetings. We have a duty to ensure our people work in a safe environment, which is also vital for the efficient operations of the business. By taking the wellbeing of our people and local communities seriously, and the protection of the environment, we are best placed to be able to attract and retain the best people and suppliers, and to limit the chance of our operations being delayed or postponed due to injury or the influence of third parties.

We have been accepted into the UN Global Compact Network, a global platform for businesses and other organisations to network and engage in human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.

As well as supporting Georgia’s energy market through our oil and gas sales, we support local employment, with our Block Operating Company subsidiary being 100% Georgian nationals. We source local goods and services and work in partnership with Tbilisi Technical University.

We take pride in our commitment to responsible operations, and continue to explore the potential of our assets to offer renewable sources of energy as well as potential carbon sequestration solutions.